Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mystical Union: At The Heart of it All

Mystical union is spiritual communion with God.
Mystical union is the unspoken desire of all.
Mystical union is the underlying aspiration of the human soul.
Mystical union is what gives life.
Mystical union is what connects our souls to divine joy and peace.
Mystical union transcends all other rites and rituals of religion.
At the heart of most religions is the desire to find meaning, truth, and God. These faiths have paved roads with ritual, liturgy, and dogma. Yet the destination is simple. The destination is not far away. The destination is found where our spirit unites with God's Spirit. This is not a reality that needs to be obtained but only recognized and embraced. We are spirits living in a greater Spirit who pervades everything. There is no escaping this great being. Our connection point is our own spirit which is connected to Him. This connection point is where we can know God. Connecting with God, our spirit with His Spirit, is mystical union.


Stephanie said...

Welcome to Blogland Luke!

Luke said...

Thanks Stephanie...enjoying it more than I thought I would :-)